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MS Burn Camp Foundation
P.O. Box 9397
Columbus, MS 39705


09.00 AM - 03.00 PM

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

Dr. Seuss

About the Foundation

Bringing survivors together

The Mississippi Burn Camp Foundation
offers a free camp for young burn survivors ages 6—16; age 17 and above must be recommended for CIT program. Camp is staffed by volunteers and funded by donations and grants. All proceeds go directly to the camp operations & activities; there are no paid personnel. A scheduled “tour & fun day” is available for children under 6 and their parents to experience camp. Please contact us to sign up. We are staffed entirely by volunteers that include firefighters, nurses, healthcare workers, teachers and others. The camp is offered at no charge to the participants and includes food, lodging, activity supplies, camp T-shirts and a week of fun, friendship and entertainment.

A 501(c)3 tax-exempt
Nonprofit Organization
(Tax ID #64-0878161)

Our Values

Supportive, life changing experiences

Our MIssion

The mission of the Mississippi Burn Camp
Foundation is to provide campers a safe, supportive, life changing experience that encourages comradery while developing self-worth and overcoming anxieties thus helping them to be happy and healthy young people

Our Goal

Our goal is to ensure that all burn survivors, regardless of financial means, have the chance to attend.

Camper Qualifications

The fundamental requirement for application and approval for camp attendance is that the child has suffered a burn that has required a Doctors care; overnight hospital stay is not a requirement. All applicants must have medical approval by a doctor prior to camp attendance and participation.

Sponsors and Supporters

The following have provided significant contributions and support to the Mississippi Burn Camp:

Mississippi Firefighters Association
Mississippi Fire Chiefs Association
Mississippi Firefighters Auxiliary
Mississippi Training Chiefs Association
Mississippi Fire Academy
Mississippi Fire Marshal’s Office
PROFAM—Professional Firefighters Association of MS
AMR – American Medical Response
Candice Talley
Chappell Construction
City of Horn Lake
Cleary Fire Department (Alex Robinson)
Clinton Fire Department Chief Jeff Blackledge &
Marilyn Mullins
Cleveland Fire Department
Columbus Fire & Rescue
E-3 Environmental
JoAnn Jones
Maben Vol Fire Department
MS Burn, Hand & Reconstruction Centers PC
Oxford Fire Department
Pafford Emergency Medical Services
Preferred Linen
Reservoir Fire Department
Singin’ Fireman’s Barbeque Sauce
Southern Tire Mart
Sunbelt Fire

For more information contact:

Mississippi Burn Camp Foundation

Jennifer Williams—Foundation Chair
NVFC State Director (662) 542-0047

Brad Smith—Foundation Vice-Chair
State Fire Marshal’s Office (601) 624-5846

Tabatha Gainey—Camp Director
Former Chief Sebastopol Fire Department (601) 527-5213

Carole Summerall—Secretary/Treasurer
Columbus Fire & Rescue (Ret) (662) 251-7255

Members at Large:
Kelly Elliott (Mississippi Fire Academy)
Connie Dolan (State Fire Marshal’s Office)
Chief Ruben Brown, Sr. (Greenville Fire Department)
Chief John Pope (Collins Fire Department)
Sharon Berry Clark (MS Board of Cosmetology)

Join Us Now

Don't Let Your Child's Childhood Pass, Join Us Now!

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